Monday, July 21, 2008

Tax IRS Gas Mileage - Save Gas and Make Money!

By []Daniel Molano

The Internal Revenue Service has announced that there will be an increase in the tax IRS gas mileage. Usually they make changes to the optional standard mileage rates for the next year calendar, but due to the crazy gas prices which are still going to go up, the IRS took action and increased it for the last 6 months of 2008. Keep on reading, I will tell you exactly how to make some money out of this.

The tax IRS gas mileage rate was set to 50.5 cents per mile for the first 6 months of 2008, they increased it to 58.8 cents per mile for the last semester. This might sound like a low increase but considering how many miles are spent in a month or so it is quite a lot. To make things simple, the rate determines how much money you will get back (reimbursed) for you gas mileage.

Doug Shulman the IRS commissioner said "Rising gas prices are having a major impact on individual Americans. Given the increase in prices, the IRS is adjusting the standard mileage rates to better reflect the real cost of operating an automobile, we want the reimbursement rate to be fair to taxpayers". This is quite good.

You can increase your gas mileage a lot legally, you just need to adjust your vehicle to be able to run on 50% gas and 50% water, this will not only be a huge saver on fuel, but also increase your gas mileage and actually make you some money out of the reimbursement from the IRS. Best of all you are making your car ecological by sending much less pollution into the air.

To take full advantage of the tax IRS gas mileage increase go to this site: [ ]Alternative Fuels Expansion. It is very easy to install by you or your mechanic and you will not only be saving money, but actually making some.

Daniel Molano is an expert writer in a variety of topics. He writes high quality reviews for high demand products. If you need a product review or want a product reviewed go immediately to his []product reviews blog.

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Water For Gas Kit - Save Gas Now!

By []Mike Paulock

It's been all over the news. You hear it almost daily from friends, family and co-workers. Gas prices SUCK! They're getting worse too! With the economy in a down turn, now is not a great time to be losing your hard earned money at the pump.

But what can you do?

Well I asked myself the same thing and after some searching I came across a water for gas kit. A relatively new contraption, these generators use plain tap water to create hydrogen to help power your car.

How can water power your car? It's quite simple. You may have heard in school of a process known as electrolysis. When electrical current is passed through an electrode and into water molecules it causes them to break down into their original atomic components of hydrogen and oxygen gas. These gases are quite explosive when ignited. If you add them into your engines combustion cycle they will help create more power without increasing your gasoline use. You can't run it completely off the generator but it helps aid enough so that you can travel farther on the same tank of gas!

Want to know how well they work? Well typically most vehicles get anywhere from a 20% to 50% increase in fuel economy. For example my Acura Integra used to get about 30 miles per gallon and now I'm nearly getting 60! That's a HUGE savings every month! It was definitely worth investing the little money it took to purchase one of these water for gas kits. I highly recommend these to all of my friends and family.

If you'd like to get one of these water for gas kits yourself you will have to purchase a kit online as there aren't any retailers selling them yet. I assure you they're GREAT gas savers! You could try to build a generator yourself from scratch but I HIGHLY recommend ordering a kit as they will walk you through step by step so you'll save a lot of time and avoid any problems. My friends and I tried a few different kits so I went ahead and reviewed a few of them. Take a look and compare for yourself! Good luck and enjoy the savings! []HHO Kit Reviews

- Mike Paulock []For further reading

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Save Gas - How to Save Money on Gas

By []Barry Gleeson

There are many ways to save money on gas in case you're wondering! Really it's quite incredible how much gas the average driver wastes every time they get in the car. With the onset of global warming and the skyrocketing price of gas still on the rise, it's never been more important to start to reduce the amount of fuel we consume.

Air Conditioning
Do you use your cars air conditioning more than you have too? Your air conditioner needs energy to run and it gets that energy from the same thing your engine used to power itself. Well that's what most people think...

This in itself is only half true. The real truth is that your air conditioner uses power but not directly from gas, but from the cars battery. This intern slows the car down and in order for your car to stay on a certain speed limit, it must work harder, therefore expending more gas in the process.

Turning off your air conditioner allows increase power in your car, therefore allowing it to burn less fuel to run at the same speed.

Keep Your Tires Fully Pumped
One easy way to save money on gas is to make sure your car tires are always pumped to the correct pressure level. Flat tires again slow your car down, therefore forcing your engine to work harder, intern expending more gas.

So make sure you keep your tires pumped to the max.

Just by utilizing these two tips, you'll start to notice your weekly fuel costs start to subside rapidly.

If you want to learn more way to []save gas. []Tips to save gas on our free information blog. Come on in and start bringing down the price of gas yourself!

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The Real Ways to Save Money on Gas

By []Derek Hudson

With the price of fuel ever increasing, we're beginning to see a surge of products on the marketplace that claim to increase your mileage overnight or cars that are suddenly "fuel-efficient."

The EPA reported over one hundred devices that were falsely claiming to increase your vehicle's fuel efficiency, and many of those products were even found to have a negative effect on your vehicle. So, before you lay out big money for products or vehicles that may not be as good as they claim, keep reading for these 6 great tips on how to really save money on fuel.

1. Slow Down or Speed Up

Your car gets the best mileage coasting down the highway at about 55 miles per hour. Speeds faster than 60 miles per hour tend to dramatically increase fuel consumption while slower start-and-go city traffic can also wreak havoc on your mileage.

2. Track Your Mileage

Keep a written journal of your mileage every time you fill up your tank. Write down the mileage on the odometer, the amount of gas purchased, the price and your rate per mile on that particular tank.

Research has shown that drivers who track their gas mileage tend to use less fuel and be more aware of their driving habits and fuel consumption.

3. Lighten Your Load

Stop driving around with a trunk full of golf clubs, hockey equipment and a box of books you were planning to donate last year. All that extra weight can really drag down your fuel efficiency. For example, one hundred pounds of extra weight can decrease your fuel efficiency by two percent.

4. Stop Idling

It's a misconception that it takes more gas to start up your car. If you're idling for more than 30 seconds, it's actually more efficient to shut off the car completely. So, stop idling and turn off the engine if you wait time is anything beyond just a few seconds.

5. Maintain Your Vehicle

A well-maintained vehicle is a fuel-efficient vehicle. Keep your filters clean, your exhaust maintained and your engine running at it's best to avoid over-consuming fuel and oil.

6. Buy a More Fuel Efficient Vehicle

Lots of vehicles claim to be fuel efficient, but you can actually do a side-by-side comparison on the U.S. government website [] The site lets you search for cars based on year, make and model, and they perform comparisons that help you track down the most fuel efficient car in your desired class and budget.

For helpful information on car and truck recommendations, please visit, a popular site providing great insights concerning automotive choices and needs, such as []used Toyota trucks, []GPS vehicle tracking, and many more!

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Water Hybrid Conversions - How to Save on Gas

By []Sylvia Rolfe

With the raising gas prices a new question on everyone's mind is how to save money on gas? Well how about a water hybrid conversion? You don't need to purchase a new vehicle and you can covert the one you currently own to save on gas and get better gas mileage by utilizing a water hybrid car kit or making your own from one of the many plans available online for purchase. So how exactly does your car run on water?

Well, it is not actually the water that the car will replace the gasoline with, it is a byproduct you create using the conversion kit. HHO or Browns Gas is produced through the electrical stimulation of water from a current obtained from your car's battery. By utilizing the power of browns gas you can cut your fuel consumption by up to 40%. Now thats a big savings on the pocketbook. Now I know you may be questioning the safety of using a hydrogen product, but Browns gas is quite safe and in either manner you will only be creating small quantities at a time, so any risk would be very minimal.

For $60 or so you can purchase all the components you will need to do the conversion. It is also great because it is an easy do it yourself project so you won't have to pay a mechanic or anything and the initial outlay of $60 will save you a lot at the pump. Water hybrid car kits essentially contain electrical wiring, baking soda, a sealed container, vacuum hose and obviously, the water. Nothing too scary to deal with. Basically the wiring is used to obtain a current from your cars battery that will convert the water into Browns gas, which is then introduced into your cars manifold. []Saving money on gas is on everyones mind, by doing a water hybrid conversion you are saving yourself money as well as saving the environment. So do your part now and []click here!

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